Friday, March 22, 2013

Message to My Black Sistas Looking to Call Dallas, TX Home

As I've always enjoyed reading blogs from my fellow black women bloggers out there I have decided to finally write one of my own about living in the City of Dallas, TX. This is just an opinionated entry about my likes and dislikes as well as suggestions to black women, especially the single sistas, looking to call the City of Dallas home.

I moved to Dallas in June of 2008. So I have lived here now approaching five years. Wow. How times flies. I relocated to Dallas from another state that was hit hard by the great recession. I had been laid off my job and my home was in foreclosure. As a single woman, I had no other source of financial help. As a woman with no kids, I was also not inclined to stay where I was. I wanted to leave and start over. So I chose Dallas.

So in a nutshell here are my likes and dislikes, as well as my suggestions and warnings to my fellow black sistas looking to call this city home.

1. There are Jobs, Jobs, and oh yeah.. Jobs

Dallas, TX at present has a 6% unemployment rate. Although that is not the lowest to be found (I have heard North Dakota has a 3% unemployment rate) it is certainly not near the highest unemployment rate in this country. So you have a much better chance of finding employment here and anywhere in the State of Texas. Side note: Texas leads the country for the creation of jobs. It has FOUR cities on the Best Economies list of the Top 10 places to find work. They are Austin, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio.

* Although Dallas has many Fortune 500 Companies that call this City home and many smaller, private employers as well, it has been my observation that many of these companies have a high reliance on temporary or contract work. They also consistently flip their workforces for some reason. I have seen and heard many first hand accounts of companies routinely terminating large portions of their staffs only to quickly refill the positions two to three times a year.

* Texas has a large number of Employers that I find engage in very dubious, underhanded behavior in regards to their workforce. Especially when that workforce is primarily made up of blacks. I have personal experience in employers suddenly changing the terms of pay in the middle of an employees tenure, for no reason. Terminating employees for no reason. As well as lying to the unemployment office to fight any and all unemployment claims through the use of Cost Control Law Firms they have hired,usually which are out of state.

For that reason, many people are constantly moving from company to company here. Sadly I have to state that Employers in Texas seem to be exceptionally dirty and cutthroat which is why the majority of blacks work for the Government in some capacity. Many here do not trust private industry and for good reason. Blacks in Dallas face a very strong racial "Bias" in everything from Housing to Employment.

However, the Employers will hire a black person who is new to Dallas far quicker than those who are from here originally.

* Due to the lack of private black owned businesses and industry in Dallas (Don't believe Ebony and Black Enterprise when they say otherwise.. They LIE) and the overwhelming number of black minorities here working in low wage jobs or government positions that don't pay what their private industry counterparts pay, their is a wealth imbalance that is apparent. Blacks have ceded a lot of territory not just to Caucasians but other races when it comes to building personal wealth. I'll get to that a little bit later.

2. Dallas is Very Spread Out and Very Segregated....

When I first moved to Dallas, I noticed immediately how segregated much of the City was. If you are fortunate enough to be able to move into areas that are even moderately middle income or upper lower income (with it being taken as understood higher income areas are included in this) you will find that you will mostly be residing around everyone BUT black Americans.  Where I currently reside is considered a "white area" per my friend from Dallas.

A "White" Area? Really?

By no means am I someone of financial wealth (Not at this time at least) but it kind of took me aback for my older male friend to visit and classify my area, a quiet, suburban area, as a "white" area. However, I can understand somewhat because again Dallas is VERY segregated.

You have the high powered, executive blacks who live out in Plano, Frisco and various upper class communities of North Dallas, but in my personal opinion they lead a "Very" bleak existence. I was driving through one such community in Plano just the other day and it was so "cookie cutter". Every house, though large and grand, looked almost completely the same. Every shrub and tree placed almost identical to that of the house beside it. No one was out. (It is like this in Dallas for some reason. Even where I live. Folks rarely come out to talk to neighbors. They don't come out for anything really except to go to the mailbox or walk to their car).  Driving through the community and admiring these homes, I thought, it must be so lonely out here. So empty.

I really doubted any of the residents really knew or had relationships with their neighbors at all. The upper class communities of Dallas, (even my own middle class community as well) lacked "Soul". Nothing ever "happens". No functions. No get togethers. No nothing. Everyone practically lives in their cars or they are Hermits.

* I imagine the black women who live in the communities I referred to are especially having a much harder time living out in upper class white areas. Unlike black men who seem to quickly take to their environments (usually through dating and marrying a white woman - Let's just be honest. When brothers get money like that and are surrounded by white people they start to date them); black women may find it harder to do the same. I suggest you google and read the D Magazine Article "Why Young Black Professionals Are Wary of Dallas". Link is Below:

* In my own community I have struggled to meet fellow blacks who I can spend time with and form a social bond with. There simply are not that many. The very few who live around me simply are homebodies. They go nowhere. They do nothing. Not even fellowship with others.

3. Dallas Lacks a Strong and Vibrant Black Cultural Centre...


Unlike Harlem, Chicago, Atlanta, and to some extent Houston, TX... There is no black community (as in "Where my People At" in Dallas. We are spread out from Garland to Mesquite, Plano to Greenville; in super small, sparsely located communities. Usually surrounded by many others of various races. There is no black shopping centre  per say outside of the Desoto, TX and Lancaster, TX areas. I have been informed that the vast majority of black people who want to live around others who are culturally similar to us move out to Desoto, TX and Lancaster, TX. Those are majority black communities and I have heard that are pretty nice. Nice big homes, affordable properties, jobs, and all have a dominant black centre of activity.

However, outside of those two areas, you will rarely encounter a black cultural centre. So if you are one of the sistas (or brothers) who decide to integrate into a non black community in Dallas you will be pretty BORED. As I stated there is not much socializing even amongst blacks, but far less amongst whites/hispanics and blacks.

* I feel it's important to mention that when I say black cultural centre, I am also referring to a black business centre. I have driven through communities in Dallas that have a pretty large number of blacks and there are literally no black businesses or you may find one.. If you look hard enough. Unlike Chicago, Atlanta, New York, there is not a strong cultural movement in Dallas to create black businesses. Not sure why.

* The lack of black cohesiveness in Dallas has led to a lackluster existence in so many ways. Now that I think about it, there is a reason why so many powerful and strong black movements have come out of the North and out of Atlanta. Those Cities have an entirely different vibe. There is more social togetherness with the blacks than you will find in Dallas. No one wants to make any waves. No one wants to challenge the system here that has pushed the majority of blacks through racism and ill treatment onto the welfare rolls by breaking their spirits while the whites here enjoy all of  the high paying corporate jobs. No one wants to shake things up. And that is by design I guess.

4. The Dating Scene in Dallas is LETHARGIC.. Especially if you are a single black woman.


Well, simply because brothers here in Dallas all have a major case of "Jungle Fever". I have never seen black men chase the fat, white (and hispanic) women like these guys do here in Dallas. And these women chase them.. IF they have a job.

There is so much self hate here it is unbelievable.

And this is why there has never been a strong black cultural movement out of Dallas. Instead of the brothers fighting the power structure to ensure more black upward mobility, they are too busy bedding the power structure.

* I have figured out there are two different kinds of black men in Dallas. There are the gay ones who are looking at the hairy man standing behind you or the ones who are only into white/hispanic chicks or the totally ignorant, uncouth, loud, disrespectful, ex-felon, dope dealing, multiple baby momma having, unemployed black men who seem to be all over South Dallas where the majority of my people are located. These are the types you really have to ask yourself, Do I really want to be with this disease carrying flea bag or am I better off by myself?

* Trust me.. You are better off "by yourself". Especially since Dallas, TX leads the state of Texas for the number of new HIV cases amongst black women. Yes.. You really want to think about sleeping with that brother.

5. The 100 Degree PLUS Dallas Heat

In the summer months Dallas has weeks on end of 100 Degree plus heat. The kind of heat that will make a person pass out honestly. And on those days you don't see anyone outside. People jog at night. It would get so hot that the rubber on my steering wheel would literally rub off on my hands. Unbelievable. Parts of my dash had started to melt. And that's when I started to cover my windshield with a cover.

6. The Boredom

Dallas is sooooo boring. Even with many friends. The culture here is super conservative. Super bland. Super boring. It was created by old, ultra conservative, white folks so yeah.. that's probably why.

Without doubt, the most boring place on earth, and I have travelled extensively, is Dallas, TX. They have taken suburbia to its ultimate extreme and like American cheese, have pasteurised and sanitized it to such an extent that it is bland, boring, disappointing and almost intolerable.

And if you move here you will find that you will not feel bad that your life is boring because you will soon discover everyone else's life is super boring too. Just work. And home. And Cook for the kids. And bed. And repeat that 365 days a year and yeah.. you have it. That is Dallas.  Chain Stores, Cookie Cutter Suburban Neighborhoods, and Franchise Restaurants. Trust Me. There is NOTHING unique about Dallas..But the Drive out I have heard.

7. The Drug Addicts....


One thing that stands out is the high number of blacks on drugs in Dallas. Now, Dallas isn't the first city I've lived in and I certainly know that every city has a problem with Drugs. However, I was shocked to see just how much a problem with Drug Addicts dallas has.

* I have wondered what is making so many of my people turn to drugs here. Not selling them. But USING them. And they are using hard drugs. The kind that grips your mind and never releases it. The shit that makes them crazy. For good. If you go downtown Dallas as well as out by Martin Luther King Blvd in South Dallas that is all you will find. Nothing else. But druggies. People so stoned, So high, they are completely gone mentally. The City has pushed these people to the outskirts of town. They are poor. Mostly black (yeah.. it's our people who make up the majority of the druggies even though we are clearly NOT the majority in Dallas) and these people have literally been thrown away. Many are homeless. Cycling out of The Bridge Homeless Shelter and Austin Street Homeless Shelter for years since these places have no time limit. Many have come to call these places "home" which is so sad.

Where the hell are the black churches? Oh yeah.. that's right. trying to grow the church enough to afford pastor that million dollar home. So sad.

8. Lack of Access to Health Care

I was laid off my job several months ago and I lost my health insurance and I became sick. Very sick. I could not for the life of me find a doctor who would see me. Even those with insurance have month waits. Literally five and six month waits to see doctors such as an ENT Doctor or a Dermatologist. I have never seen anything like this and I can only counter it has something to do with the many people moving to Dallas and the doctors offices are all booked up.

The only doctors who are available are the ones who work in the pop up, for profit, medical centers around town and I couldn't even think of going to those without insurance. Plus, I had gone to one before at Care Now and received such inferior, substandard service I said I would never go back. The doctor informed me I need two arm braces because I was suffering from carpal tunnel and she sold me two at $60.00 a piece. Yet I was walking through walmart two days later and found a pair that were only $15 dollars for both of them. I could have saved $100 dollars and the damn doctor didn't tell me that Walmart also carried them.

And the other doctors I called want to be "paid on the spot"for any and all services. They do not bill. You can't simply pay a portion of the bill. You have to pay the entire thing. On the spot. So if you are without funds you are assed out of luck.

9. The Traffic

The traffic in Texas is terrible. But that goes without saying.You will spend an hour on the expressway to drive what should have taken just 10 minutes of your time.

10. The Racism

I was raised in a Christian home. I have never been raised to harbor ill feelings about anyone and I didn't move to Texas become a racist. But if I ever leave, I will damn sure leave being one. I have not seen anywhere in all of my 30+ years white folks get away with pulling the truly evil, dirty shit they pull on blacks here. To say that the majority of the employers are bigoted, rednecks who should be sued for pulling the dirty shit they pull on not just blacks but all minorities is an understatement. I have had jobs that paid blacks far below whites for doing the same work, who had equal experience and in many cases the blacks had more experience and they overwhelmingly slotted the whites for promotions when clearly the blacks were working harder and pulling more numbers.

I have also witnessed Overt Racism. More than what I care to go into. That would be an entire other blog. The vast majority of AA's in Dallas end up constantly fired and rehired. Simply because of racism. They end up constantly shuffled from job to job. I saw this first hand in my last position. A smart black female manager was constantly harassed and intimidated into letting the white associates get away with not doing their jobs. She was over white women and they just refused to submit to her authority. She was eventually transferred as they all conspired to set her up.

She came to me. I too had witnessed what was happening. I put my statement with hers. But she was still transferred. And she was not a middle manager. She was a very high manager. Yet when it came to power, her far lower white subordinates held far more power.

I had one position where it was told that the blacks had to all have years of experience AND a college degree. Yet when we were hired, they were simultaneously hiring white guys for the same positions who at times did not even have high school diplomas. It was required for us to have good credit but many of my white male coworkers would speak openly about their bankruptcies and their foreclosures.

We had a policy where we could not leave until all the work was completed or else we would be terminated. Time and time again my white coworker would get angry and suddenly leave without ever asking permission. The managers would all walk by and wonder where he was. I would say he had left. They would bring me his work to complete. The next day he would be right back at work.No problem. They wouldn't say a thing and eventually ended up promoting the guy. He never stayed late. Ever. And being one of the few white males in an environment of blacks he got away with it.

During this same time frame a black male coworker was called a Nigger by a white manager. Guess who lost the job and who is still there. Yep. The white manager.

So the racism is definitely a downside to living and working in Dallas.

Hope you enjoyed the blog. I will be making further additions to this list in the future.So please feel free to check back in.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dallas has no black unity no cultural events for black unity. The black men prefer to have a wife at home and 1 or 2 women on the side and these women fight over his tired ass. Dallas blacks we can do so much better

    1. Those issues are everywhere lol (check out Love and Hip Hop ATL and NYC).

      As a single black man, the problem I see in regards to relationships is that there are not enough attractive black women to even begin the courting process with. Grant it, they are beautiful black women that I see here but they usually are never natural beauties and need too much MAC Make-Up to look good. Beautiful black women are an anomaly and extremely rare unfortunately.

      It's common to walk in a store, club, or what have you here and only see ...
      1. Overweight Black Women
      2. Bad Hair/Weave
      3. Badly dressed/Presentation is forgettable

      I see other attractive black men all the time that at least keep good shape, dress well, and just look handsome. My gym is full of them, but I never see any fine sistas there ... all big or too easy to ignore and not want to get to know.

      So if you're a single attractive man with a good career or white collar job looking for a black wife, this is not the ideal place for you. You'll likely end up with a white wife or single.

    2. Lol oh boy. Of course there are plenty of cultural events. has info on almost all of them. Dallas Ft. Worth is way bigger than you think and it takes some mobility to get to all of the black cultural activities.

  3. You have given me hope to stay in Atlanta! Thought about moving but it seems Dallas wouldn't be a good move!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wait a minute Dallas is fine. Racism is everywhere ok, druggies are everywhere, plus we actually do have a lot to do here. Dallas is an up and coming world class city and the most popular city in TX for a reason.

    Way better than no job ATL and overpriced Chicago!

  6. ATL, Chicago, New York are all much older and have way more history than Dallas.

    An Affluent Black middle class will take time to develop. There are alot of intiatives on the table for the southern sector of Dallas to become the new haven for blacks through economic development and job creation. I do agree, we need a central commerce area for black enterprise. I was always taught to not complain about something, if you aren't doing anything to change it. There is ton's of money on the table to make any area in Southern Dallas the next hub.

    Alot of your comments are opinions and don't speak for the majority. All the black men here dont have HIV and don't go for Becky. I know multiple married couples who are not interacial. Despite the opinion, all the black men I know come to the South particularly for the assorment of ladies we have to offer. Browns, Redbones, Yellowbones, etc. You cant get that everywhere..and the thickness found in these parts. Between Dallas and Houston, everyone in the country is flocking down here for the women. Sounds like somebody needs to step they're game up. But I do agree with the other comment about these bad lacefronts and super long eye-lash trend. Also thick and fat is a difference.

    There are natives here, but most of the new blacks come from all over: California, Chicago, Atlanta even. This will add different ideas and experiences to make Dallas something new. There are so many cons, but I see more pro's than anything. I've lived in Atlanta, Houston, LA and still find an optimism in Dallas that has yet to be tapped into. Us a black don't need to find the same ol cities, but expand and create new communities just like other american cultures. The Koreans are a great model, and the Hispanics are on our heels.

    -John Ross

    1. John, I have one question for you have you lived in Dallas? If so how long? I have lived here for quite sometime and I know the city and the people within it. Oh dear John my game is tight and I'm all natural. I just wont deal with the foolishness. You know several married couples and they may seem ok to you looking in form the outside. What you see is not what it really is. I know I have lived it. John I'm not complaining I just know when to say when. I just wish that some one had warned me before I moved here and bought a house. So I feel it's my duty to warn every female out there about this place before they fall victim to Dallas. Oh one other note the Korean and the Hispanics have surpassed us a people they stick together. Black in Dallas are like crabs in a barrel always pulling each other down no unity.

  7. I am from Chicago and have lived in Dallas for 7 years now. I agree with you 100% with the treatment and the lifestyle in Dallas. I will be moving back to Chicago in 2014 to start grad school at Northwestern University and starting my own business in downtown Chicago. Thank You Jesus!!!

  8. Ryder C. - stay where you are Dallas is not the up and coming area for blacks. If you must move to Texas which I advise against. Try Houston much larger city and faster pace. I will be leaving Dallas in April to go back home. Good Luck ;-)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I live in Old East Dallas. I am not 'black' .
    But I agree, somewhat that Dallas is missing an element that is missing in California and/or places like Houston.
    Other places 'move' a little faster. And maybe it's the lack of Strong black communities.

    Here, where I live, and the apts I live in, everyone here is either on crack, meth, is a prostitute, or a wanna-be pimp, or.. stays to themselves like a hermit (that's me). lol!
    Trust me, there are PLENTY of 'blacks' here.

    My girl and I seem to be the only ones NOT on drugs and alcohol. Thus, not much to do by way of "fun".

    But we DO frequent restaurants and fast food places, or go downtown for walks in the Elm st. park.

    I have hispanic people in my family, and I have noticed that they ARE very 'tight-knit'.
    I'm assuming the 'whites' are also close as well, since, when you go to uptown that's ALL YOU SEE are "successful" whites having fun and partying, and going to the clubs.

    Dallas is slowly becoming more urban, and there is more opportunity if you know how to find it.

    Like "ToksTwo Ach" said.. there is opportunity that has not been 'tapped'. I see it too.

    But as for the COHESION that was talked about... I kinda agree. There ARE 'black' areas EVERYWHERE in Dallas and the Metroplex. But... they are SMALL.

    Thus, you will not get the complete "black feel" that you might get elsewhere like
    Oakland California, or Atlanta.

    Myself, I feel that Dallas needs MORE black people in general. People don't know how to party, and I've noticed that a lot of the time, the party doesn't start until you get a group of 'blacks' to show up. LOL .

    Example: we went to the New Year's Eve 'party'/concert held at Victory Plaza.

    It was PACKED.... but not very LIVE.

    I was one of the ONLY people in the area I was in, who was 'bouncing' to the music or making any sounds. This went on for a good hour and a half.

    Finally, a group of about 8 'black' guys and girls made their way through the crowd and
    stood next to me and my 3 friends (I guess they saw me bouncing) .
    Well, they came with a lot of laughing, Whooping, bouncing, and cheering.
    And immediately, the entire area around us "woke up". And it got fun. !

    It was THEN that I realized what is missing from Dallas.
    Black people.

    And it isn't like there aren't ANY.. but they are spread-out in small clusters throughout the Metroplex.

    I like to think that the "lack of cohesion" with each other, means that the 'blacks' here are more... a PART of the WHOLE of our society here.

    Albeit, a more boring society, but still accepted.

    Maybe my comment is out of place, since I'm not a women nor am I 'black', but
    I hope that it can contribute something positive.

    I, myself WELCOME the possibility of more black people living in Dallas.

    I'm sorry that it is not what black women might like.

    1. I lived in Oakland and am from Los Angeles originally, and have lived in Atlanta and did long term contracts in Houston. The Bay Area and Atlanta are more concentrated and smaller geographically than Dallas-Ft. Worth, so it is tougher to compare. A better comparison would be L.A. and Houston which are also geographically large, especially L.A. This area requires a different kind of networking and mobile socialness. Visit for more info. There are plenty blacks making a difference all over. We all need to do our part to increase the vibrancy.

  11. I like the article, we do have some concerns always about moving to one city or the other, so the topic is a nice read.

    If readers want to know ways to meet single men and women in their city they read this blog...

  12. This article is funny because I have lived or frequented regularly several cities across the US from Houston, to Austin to Chicago and even Puerto Rico. I also know people in NY, Atl and LA. and everyone is saying the same thing this article said. interracial dating, no black culture or businesses and hard to find a job. This is the plight of our race, not a city. Name 1 city with black businesses outside of barber shops and hair salons and an occasional soul food spot. Name 1 city with a black owned shopping district where we spend our money regularly from a middle to upper middle class range. Name more than 1 high profile integrated community in any major city. Atl, Chicago, Houston, LA, NY, DC don't have this and they are bigger or more "popula"r. I keep hearing this argument from everyone from all over, it's life as a black person in America.

    1. Thank you! I'm considering a move to Dallas next year. I'm originally from Portland but consider Oakland my 2nd home. And believe me you don't know lack of black cohesion like I know lack of black cohesion. I really appreciate this sister spelling out her take on Dallas. I'm still in the research faze of my move so having this perspective gives me another angle to consider. There are 35,000 black people in Portland and I'm sure that the black population in Dallas far surpasses here. I'm actually more excited about the prospect of moving to Dallas now because it sounds like there is a lot of untapped potential. I currently work in HR but my goal is entrepreneurship.

    2. Might I add that I also lived in Atlanta for less than a year (overrated) and spent 12 years in the military. It's my opinion that every black community shares the same issues, some more than others. My neighborhood has been heavily gentrified but because I stayed I was able to obtain quite the financial windfall. I believe that black people are often behind on economic trends because we place more value on other things, which is fine but we live in a capitalistic society and money has a direct correlation to the vitality of our communities. If/when I move to Dallas I'll be looking at opportunities in the communities that others are overlooking. Believe me y'all they're coming. I never would have thought that my neighborhood would have been all white and my home worth over $400,000. It's happening all over the country...don't sleep.

    3. Thank you! I'm considering a move to Dallas next year. I'm originally from Portland but consider Oakland my 2nd home. And believe me you don't know lack of black cohesion like I know lack of black cohesion. I really appreciate this sister spelling out her take on Dallas. I'm still in the research faze of my move so having this perspective gives me another angle to consider. There are 35,000 black people in Portland and I'm sure that the black population in Dallas far surpasses here. I'm actually more excited about the prospect of moving to Dallas now because it sounds like there is a lot of untapped potential. I currently work in HR but my goal is entrepreneurship.

  13. This article is hilarious. The author has no idea what she is talking about. She often mentions Chicago. If the author did her research Chicago is in the top 5 of most segregated cities in America. Dallas TX is no where on the list. Dr Martin Luther King Jr stated that Chicago is one of the most segregated cities he has ever seen. Chicago is still the same way. I am from St. Louis Mo which is also one of the most segregated cities in America. In segregated cities blacks are not spread throughout the city. Segregation means that blacks are in once part of the city and that is it. In St. Louis blacks are extremely segregated. While growing up I rarely even encountered white people or any other race for that matter. I grew up around predominately blacks and that is it. It seems that the author really does not like a diverse environment and wants to live around all blacks and that is it. Atlanta is very over populated so it is very difficult to find a job there. Many places that the author mentioned Dallas is actually better. I have visited Dallas on many occasions and from what I saw white people actually strike up conversations with blacks and there are so many people moving there that are not even from Texas. In St. Louis and in Chicago that does not happen. Whites don't really talk to blacks and vice versa. I know don't know much about Atlanta and DC but I know alot about Chicago and it is not alot of opportunity for blacks so I am not sure why that city was mentioned. There is not much interracial dating in places like St. Louis and Chicago in places that are highly segregated that type of activity is not tolerated. So by you saying that Dallas has alot of interracial dating that lets me know that Dallas is diverse. I believe that the author needs to move to Atlanta or Chicago and see how that works out because it seems she just wants to live around all blacks and does not want a diverse community. I have lived around all blacks my entire life and I am looking for a diverse community where blacks are mingled in with whites and hispanics. I don't want my children to only know black culture I want them to be well educated on many different cultures. That is how you get ahead in life. Problems that were named are in every city and I believe that the author really wrote this because she is single and cannot find a man that is the main issue here not the city.

    1. Also problems like drugs are every where in America. The main reason I want to move to Dallas is the very first thing you said is jobs. Move to ATL or Chicago if you want but you will be without a job because both of those places are lacking jobs. I think that should be the main focus when moving to a new city. It should not be base on if black men are courting black women. Also the cities that should have been mentioned that are apart of the New Migration of blacks is Charlotte and Raleigh NC, Pheonix AZ, Dallas is apart of the new migration, Columbus OH, Houston TX, Jacksonville FL are many cities that blacks are moving to but Chicago and New York blacks are actually leaving these cities. So please before creating a blog full of non sense do your research.

    2. Head to Houston Anthony. Btw, she never said she moved there to find a man. And wanting a husband & building a family unit is a huge part of what makes up a stronger society, so there's nothing wrong with her desire to complete her family...but yeah, forget Austin, Sam Antonio, and maybe even Dallas and move to Houston if you want a PERMANENT job and lil more diversity

  14. Lol, ooh wee. Did someone from the KKK pretend to be a sista and wrote this post? This author needs to live in more major cities for a while. America still has strongholds of racism everywhere. If anyone leaves the last city they were in because of no jobs to move to Dallas, then it seems silly to trash the place based on a limited experience. But also, it is better to do something about the problems instead of complaining and waiting on someone else to fix it for you. African Americans in Dallas are indeed active in improving things for us, while others among us either don't know how to overcome or are complaining with no action. Check out for more info on being connected to the heartbeat of the Black experience in Dallas for degreed professionals and others who aspire to move up in life.

  15. I'm an Asian man , grew up in Chicago, currently living in Atlanta. Life is what you make of it. I'm really into dating black women. I'll be in Dallas soon..Ray...Btw I don't care what any of you say..Learn to fish..

    1. Ummmn, I want to feel like you but this post scares me. I plan to move to Dallas in July..I am into Asian men..

  16. With all due respect, the author has probably exaggerated the "issues" somewhat. But, I find some truth to what has been written to a smaller extent. What it comes down to are individual preferences. I chose Dallas because I wanted to start my life over socially and professionally. I had an idea of what I thought the city offered from visiting multiple times. But, once I started living here it was a different story. Unfortunately, I found myself not completely happy with what the city offers on a social level. For instance, I’ve grown tired of trying to find & connect with the successful, like-minded African American populace that supposedly exists here. I'm not saying they are not here, but the place is just so spread out making it awfully difficult to connect with them. I can't tell you how many times I've driven all the way across town only to show up at some mediocre "networking" event. There is plenty to do in Dallas and a plethora of options. But, I believe that folks tend to stay in their own little enclaves. Unless you're privy to those groups and areas, good luck connecting with other upwardly mobile people. As a result, I'm so freaking lonely here I could cry. Another gripe is having to drive so much and everywhere. Public transit is a joke. Frankly, the city is too suburban for my tastes and not exactly cheap anymore. Basically, DFW is fine for ordinary "grown-up" stuff, i.e. buy a BIG cookie cutter house in the suburbs and send the kids to private school types. Jobs are plentiful and one can live quite well here. But, that's not all there is to living. At least not by my standards. Personally, I've lived here for 2 years and have chosen to leave for an entirely different lifestyle. What I seek is a more urban, densely populated area with a sophisticated, highly cultured & mentally stimulating atmosphere. I've ventured out all over Dallas attending various events trying to embrace what the city offers and I have yet to find anything remotely close to what I am looking for. Although Uptown, Deep Ellum, Lower Greenville and the other highly cited walk-able areas are nice they simply don't do it for me. Other than that Dallas is quite livable in my opinion. Just know what it is you need to be happy outside of your work because that truly matters. I had to live it to learn from it. Everything else the author mentions is subjective.

    1. Dang are you still there? I am scared to come now..

  17. Do you have an in-depth critique of Houston? I moved from LA to Austin (I don't like it, it's a terrible place for single black women who enjoy black culture) and I am seriously thinking about moving to Houston. Dallas was in the back of my mind but after reading this post, I think i'll pass.

    1. Austin has NO black people and the ones that are there think they're white. Houston has WAY more black people than any other city in Texas, way more than Dallas. Only problem is, you have to remember Houston and Dallas are a little more conservative than Austin or Los Angeles, even among the black residence. The only downside is Houston is a little more run down looking than Austin (has a lot of renovation) or Dallas.

    2. Austin has NO black people and the ones that are there think they're white. Houston has WAY more black people than any other city in Texas, way more than Dallas. Only problem is, you have to remember Houston and Dallas are a little more conservative than Austin or Los Angeles, even among the black residence. The only downside is Houston is a little more run down looking than Austin (has a lot of renovation) or Dallas.

  18. Don't know if this message posted but I'll try again.... What you fail to mention other than the horror of boredom is that we do have a low crime rate compared to gangster towns like Los Angeles.
    True it's a right wing leaning state and yes people do tend to stay to themselves in some ways it's better because if black folks got together like they do in Los Angeles or New York we would have nothing but problems.
    Yes it's too quiet nothing but somehow we manage to not commit suicide on a daily basis like you see in other large cities.
    I love Los Angeles too I have a home there and I'm trying to find a femal other than the one who works at the local Walmart to connect with and if I don't soon then I may move back to California and try to find a small section that has no death squads roaming the streets to kill again while some cop takes a nap in his patrol car or heck may even be in a gang has himself because crime is rewarded if not cheered on by the masses on the west coast.

  19. All I can say is I NEED YOUR NUMBER****lol u took my thoughts and put it all on u hit this one out the park*!!!

  20. All I can say is I NEED YOUR NUMBER****lol u took my thoughts and put it all on u hit this one out the park*!!!

  21. Well, I was thinking about coming down a few days early for a division football game, but after reading this, I think I'll just come for the game and go home. Good luck sister, and THANK You SO MUCH for keeping it 100. We need to be able to make informed decisions.

  22. The author of this article should be applauded. It is very rare to find authenticity about life for black folks. If you are part of the dominant group, you don't have to think about where you will find your tribe; f you are part of the "We are the world," generation, you don't even have a tribe to be separated from. For the rest of us, who find value in the commonality of cultural ties, this article is a steep enough warning to enable us to make informed choices. Thank you for writing it. I'm planning a trip to Dallas and I will keep it short.

  23. Thank the Holy Father Dallas is, like it is. I would hate to live in Atlanta, Chicago, or New York. Where you can here your neighbor sneeze. Ugh! That kind of life is trash. But like you said Dallas is so boring! Hmm, But all the jobs are here because people care more for their families here ,not like the lust filled party cities like aforementioned. Who party so much they can't make to work, so the company moves to Dallas. Remember you are a single mother. On thank god for black culture...

  24. Thank the Holy Father Dallas is, like it is. I would hate to live in Atlanta, Chicago, or New York. Where you can here your neighbor sneeze. Ugh! That kind of life is trash. But like you said Dallas is so boring! Hmm, But all the jobs are here because people care more for their families here ,not like the lust filled party cities like aforementioned. Who party so much they can't make to work, so the company moves to Dallas. Remember you are a single mother. On thank god for black culture...

  25. Thank the Holy Father Dallas is, like it is. I would hate to live in Atlanta, Chicago, or New York. Where you can here your neighbor sneeze. Ugh! That kind of life is trash. But like you said Dallas is so boring! Hmm, But all the jobs are here because people care more for their families here ,not like the lust filled party cities like aforementioned. Who party so much they can't make to work, so the company moves to Dallas. Remember you are a single mother. On thank god for black culture...

  26. I'm a single, Black female: an East Bay resident of Northern California. I'm considering a move to Dallas at 56 years old, but I won't sell my townhouse! On second thought . . . Maybe I'll just stay and remember how truly blessed I AM!

  27. I'm a single, Black female: an East Bay resident of Northern California. I'm considering a move to Dallas at 56 years old, but I won't sell my townhouse! On second thought . . . Maybe I'll just stay and remember how truly blessed I AM!

  28. I'm a single, Black female: an East Bay resident of Northern California. I'm considering a move to Dallas at 56 years old, but I won't sell my townhouse! On second thought . . . Maybe I'll just stay and remember how truly blessed I AM!

  29. Dang I did a meaningful reply about Nashville Chicago Detroit Charleston Connecticut Washington DC and Atlanta but it didn't oust for some reason . But point is, it's the same everywhere, however Atlanta Detroit and DC are the worst to me. Scandalous bi/sexual . People are just shady and many on drugs now , not sure what the future holds for us Black women.

    1. Us black women? Speak for yourself. Keeping waiting on that black man vs exploring your options..You will be a skeleton by then...

  30. OK after observations in and around Dallas yes I see some of the racist you speak of but it's not the dudes it's women! I say hello not in a way to jump in their panties but just a smile and hello and they won't say jack back.
    Jobs are here but they wanna work ya to death and yes I got a brief vib off a potential employer when I went to an interview that I really wasn't wanted there but I have a great record but that work like a dog turned me off.
    Boredom is probably best gauged by one's own personal wealth down here in other words low paying jobs that work people like dogs means not much time effort etc in going out.
    Black dudes do hang out and with no problems for the most part at car washes.
    Women go house to house see friends family.
    Most brothers do go to strip clubs don't know why they can't screw the girl on stage or to many rundown juke joints.
    Dallas is OK if you don't want to be around high levels of gang activities and don't mind house parties over' clubs.
    It's a place where you would have more os a story book ending type of lifestyle if you move on the outskirts of Dallas or in one of the suburbs.
    The crime is low for the most part but one area where it is high is random robberies and a few rapes every now and then but gang violence no drug violence yes and so go buy that bag of dope if ya want to its only a matter of time till ya run into the wrong situation.
    They like to use that needle on criminals down here and so that may be the reason why there's no gangs or it could be the weather and the booze that keeps these boys in check I don't know but I do know that children can come out and play with little to no problem except in situations where a drunk or two is on the streets and they deal with them quick down here one guy killed a drunk with his gun after he ran over his kids in Houston.
    Overall other than a tornado or two it's quite nice here in the great state of Texas!

  31. LOL The website is a good read. When I move to Dallas, my first opinion, concerning dating was that the fellows were tricks and the women were gold diggers.

  32. I recently moved to Houston and people claim there is alot of jobs, yet im having trouble finding a good job. And I also noticed back home where im from white dudes getting jobs thst typically require some kind of schooling. White dudes I went to school with were getting hired by the power company and they babysit them until I guess they catch on...But they would tell me I needed credentials. Reading this I believe it all. But as a black man I've noticed if a hiring manager is a white female, Black person or Hispanic I typically get a call back, but if it's a white male I never get a call back.

    1. If the hiring manager is a white man, I tend to not get a call back as well. White woman or black man, I get a call.

    2. If the hiring manager is a white man, I tend to not get a call back as well. White woman or black man, I get a call.

  33. Does anyone know about the black community in San Antonio? I got a great opportunity to transfer there from California but I dont wanna be somewhere where I don't see black people. I'm a single 26 year old black woman. Thanks!

    1. San Antonio black community? I am a 30 something black, married female with kids who left San Antonio for the Dallas area three years ago after having spent 15 long years in that horrible, wretched place. We are so happy we left we felt like slaves on Emancipation day!

      Please do not relocate to San Antonio! Nice place to visit, horrible place to live. The black community there is largely poor, ignorant and slavish acting toward Mexicans.

      The racism towards blacks is over the top, especially from Mexicans who make it their life's mission to show you just how unwelcome you are. The black men here only date white and Mexican women(my husband is African.) Black folks won't even make eye contact with each other let alone speak.The women are desperate, competitive, loose and the Mexicam ones will evem go as far as to attempt to get your significant other's attention off of you and onto them. They are almost psycho about it.

      My kids are "bookish" and were constantly bullied at school. Not to mention, they put up projects next to affluent apartments so your kids go to school with some pretty thuggish people. The people here are uber lazy. Good luck trying to get anybody to actually do work at their job. Whoo! Sorry for the rambling post but I almost got PTSD from living there. Dallas area suburbs on the other hand, love it. Not much of a black community but I was a military brat growing up so diversity isn't a problem for me.

    2. San Antonio black community? I am a 30 something black, married female with kids who left San Antonio for the Dallas area three years ago after having spent 15 long years in that horrible, wretched place. We are so happy we left we felt like slaves on Emancipation day!

      Please do not relocate to San Antonio! Nice place to visit, horrible place to live. The black community there is largely poor, ignorant and slavish acting toward Mexicans.

      The racism towards blacks is over the top, especially from Mexicans who make it their life's mission to show you just how unwelcome you are. The black men here only date white and Mexican women(my husband is African.) Black folks won't even make eye contact with each other let alone speak.The women are desperate, competitive, loose and the Mexicam ones will evem go as far as to attempt to get your significant other's attention off of you and onto them. They are almost psycho about it.

      My kids are "bookish" and were constantly bullied at school. Not to mention, they put up projects next to affluent apartments so your kids go to school with some pretty thuggish people. The people here are uber lazy. Good luck trying to get anybody to actually do work at their job. Whoo! Sorry for the rambling post but I almost got PTSD from living there. Dallas area suburbs on the other hand, love it. Not much of a black community but I was a military brat growing up so diversity isn't a problem for me.

    3. I'm really reconsidering taking that job because black presence in the community where I live is very important to me. When I say black presence I mean young black professionals and/or students.

      Thanks so much for your input!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I'm a single mom black torn between Dallas and Houston. Both are great cities in my eyes offering different things. I'm open to dating all races so finding the black man is not a must although it would be nice. I would like diversity and a sense of community though. I currently live in Chiraq expensive, segregated, no space everything on top on each other and yes of course dangerous. I work in HR now but am looking to come to TX to expand my side business. Can someone please weigh in on Dallas vs Houston living for blacks. I have friends and family that live in both cities and they all love where they are at so that doesn't help me much lol. Oh and another thing I'm from STL and have lived 1/2 of my life in Los Angeles.

  36. I'm a single mom black torn between Dallas and Houston. Both are great cities in my eyes offering different things. I'm open to dating all races so finding the black man is not a must although it would be nice. I would like diversity and a sense of community though. I currently live in Chiraq expensive, segregated, no space everything on top on each other and yes of course dangerous. I work in HR now but am looking to come to TX to expand my side business. Can someone please weigh in on Dallas vs Houston living for blacks. I have friends and family that live in both cities and they all love where they are at so that doesn't help me much lol. Oh and another thing I'm from STL and have lived 1/2 of my life in Los Angeles.

    1. Hi, I lived in both Houston and Dallas. I will say the black community is much larger in Houston than in Dallas, but the OVERALL quality of living in Dallas is higher because there are more wealthy people. Both cities are fairly conservative, regardless if the person is a Democrat or Republican. Both cities are very similar in terms of cost of living. Dallas does have more of "Cowboy" culture from it's white residents while I feel Houston has more of an East Coast vibe to their residence. I'd say people in Dallas generally care more about their appearance/ more flashy than people in Houston. Both places you'll find subtle racist gestures depending on what crowd you're in. Both cities are very segregated as well. I hope this helps.

    2. Hi, I lived in both Houston and Dallas. I will say the black community is much larger in Houston than in Dallas, but the OVERALL quality of living in Dallas is higher because there are more wealthy people. Both cities are fairly conservative, regardless if the person is a Democrat or Republican. Both cities are very similar in terms of cost of living. Dallas does have more of "Cowboy" culture from it's white residents while I feel Houston has more of an East Coast vibe to their residence. I'd say people in Dallas generally care more about their appearance/ more flashy than people in Houston. Both places you'll find subtle racist gestures depending on what crowd you're in. Both cities are very segregated as well. I hope this helps.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Christian in stpete(tampa bay area) spirit led spirit fed, God got you blood

  39. I've lived in Dallas 36years. You forgot to mention Dallas is a big whore house. When I got there, there was a radio station making jokes how if you come here married, you won't be for long. They were having callers call in and respond to this topic. Basically there's a church on every corner, and bored people everywhere ready to help you become as bored as they are all in your martial affairs. Smh. Oh well there's no place like home. And this day and time it's like this everywhere!!! Just to be clear Dallas is better than LA crime and hiring Latino over Blacks. Dallas has the jobs, Not Houston with its extremely high humidity like Louisiana. Austin is supposed to be a college town, and San Antonio you may as well be in Mexico!!!! Texas was known for it's kkk don't forget. Now it's Football Beer Sports Bar and casual NON commitment sex!!!! If you looking for marriage just stop sleeping around!

  40. Dallas is hot as Fuxxx! All summer ,,,,,,then that damn black ice is on my LAST NERVE!!!!! Yes the brothers are sell outs to the other team and they all been married one hundred previous times!!! Good Luck!!!

  41. From reading this as a Black woman, I don't even want to VISIT Dallas, let alone live and work there.

  42. This is great try living in Waco . I moved here from Denver and I can easily make the argument that the "southern hospitality "in Texas is bull shit and the only nice people here are all from somewhere else .
    But if you want here to be like there then your the fool because it will never be. And maybe that's the best part of moving to Texas . Leave your trash where you came from and that this whole state at face value . Try living in Waco cheap houses and little to no real crime but with every plus there's a minus. You're right Blacks as a whole lost there fire and will to be "real "and yes men here are not men but it goes both ways as a black man I don't want a fake woman who has a "keep it 100%" mentally and a 1% of realism.
    Love your blog this is be UT Fu IL. Keep your head up and he'll find you .

  43. I'm seriously considering a move to the Desoto area. I'm a California native, but have been living in Lubbock, TX for almost three years. I'd like to live in a larger metro area. I've kinda "given up" on dating, but want more cultural/social events.

  44. Unfortunately whether people like it or not a lot of what she said is the truth there is no culture here it is very racist and it's hot as hell.

  45. Unfortunately whether people like it or not a lot of what she said is the truth there is no culture here it is very racist and it's hot as hell.

  46. People want to pretend that racism doesn't exist here it exists very well here the difference is they smile in your face and then stab you in the back there's not a significant amount of black culture here there's not a lot of black officials here so people are getting pissed about the negative things that are being said about that was but it's the truth there's no sense of unity here amongst black people we don't stick together to create black owned businesse. I feel like I went back in time 50 years you have native people from Dallas say that they hate to go to Highland Park or North Dallas because they were always taught to never go there I mean this is just ridiculous a city that segregated and separate and that's exactly what it is here like it or not

  47. People want to pretend that racism doesn't exist here it exists very well here the difference is they smile in your face and then stab you in the back there's not a significant amount of black culture here there's not a lot of black officials here so people are getting pissed about the negative things that are being said about that was but it's the truth there's no sense of unity here amongst black people we don't stick together to create black owned businesse. I feel like I went back in time 50 years you have native people from Dallas say that they hate to go to Highland Park or North Dallas because they were always taught to never go there I mean this is just ridiculous a city that segregated and separate and that's exactly what it is here like it or not

    1. As a single black female transplanted resident of Dallas for 14 years; I would have to agree that Dallas lacks soul and cultural awareness. Its a beautiful, clean, safe place to raise children in general. But as a black person, if you have children, you will need to be very involved in the school system, private or public, to ensure that your child is not discriminated against unjustly and overtly. The city and surrounding burb's are affordable; however, without a doubt you will be bored to tears and completely lonely. After 14 years I have meet many people, however, only seemed to develop a handful of true friends, ie. 2-3, but they lack spontaneity and drive for the most part - in other words they don't go, nor do anything worthwhile. I find myself leaving the state quite often due to work and personal enjoyment. Typically, I only live in my perfectly manicured lawn suburban house 4-6 months out of the year and IM STILL BORED. Also, please keep in mind that Texas is an at-will employment state, and they take that term literally. Employers will fire you for no reason whatsoever and being black doesn't help -regardless of educational or experiential level. The local churches do not attempt to facilitate cohesiveness in the black community, again most Dallas (black) pastors are in the ministry for financial reasons. The white churches will not fully accept you - been there, done that wayyy too many times. If you are retired and close to it, Dallas is a wonderful place to settle in your latter years (you can get some wonderful sleep here- seriously). Otherwise, brotha's and sista's please stay away. People from more progressive areas will continue to more here based on what they see on HGTV, but it will be another 20-30 yrs from the date of this post before Dallas is suitable for "us". Oh and uh btw, I'm moving - smile.

    2. Thank you everyone for your insight and experiences on living in Dallas.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. As a single black Women my reason for choosing Dallas was I saw a better opportunity coming from a city with 9.4% unemployment rate 70% blacks, 30% whites, very few Hispanic or Asian population.

    I started researching Dallas in 2008. Everybody was telling me find a job and a place to live before you come...well I knew that so, I started applying for work, searched for an apartment, even called a apartment finder agency

    When I first visited Dallas I loved it! Nice people, well mannered diverse society * a breath of fresh air*

     Then I applied for an apartment in South Dallas, I was on a strained and tight budget also thinking I would be close to black culture considering I'm coming into a whole new "World"

    During the application process.Which I had done from home then came out to look at my new place. The apartment manager asked" Why would you want to move here?"
    All I could do was pause and say huh...then she told me the apartment she had wasn't available because the people renting it decided to stay, but she could offer me a larger unit 240.00 over my budget...keep in mind I've already paid a 50.00 app fee. I was devistated, my lease was up at home. So,I refused it, and couldn't get my app fee back

    Next, I drove down the street to find another property that would be closer to my budget.

    My application sat on the desk for two weeks plus deposit, I came back to pick it up and had to move in with a friend back home.

    I didn't want to throw the towel in...I was absolutely convinced I wanted to live in Dallas. So I applied to a nice complex in East Dallas...the property manager here tells me why not try Richardson?or Mesquite, and provide some other zipcodes wasn't familiar with at the time.

    At that moment I'm thinking What???

    I started calling different apartment complexes in North Dallas, Irving...actually called a resource center there, and this lady answered the phone. I told her my situation. She told me to go back home you do not want to live in this area.

    At this point my positive turns into a negative.

    Next, I decided to go to Allen, a really nice Suburban area outside of Dallas. So I'm really feeling a upbeat "it's gotta work out this time"...I find a apartment in my budget even in this area...I start the app process, pay app fees of 40.00. Was told I would be on a waiting list. With high hopes.I leave knowing I'll be back, called back three months later after getting the run around, visited the office again... by the look on the apt managers face. I knew it wasn't gonna happen, I asked for my app fee back was told it was non refundable.
    I later find out she no longer works there. Oh...the hard pull on my credit report mysteriously disappears for this complex...

    The reason I'm explaining my experience of all this is because there is some truth to housing discrimination also this maybe an answer why blacks are so spread  out...due to direct placement of some kind.

    Why did I go through all of this is one question, but I felt it was necessary to know in my heart and mind I did all I could do.

    On A good note I got several interview calls, but in the back of my mind there was always the question where am I going to stay?

    I really enjoyed the idea of a suburban life style. Don't get me wrong I know it can get boring, but I was sure,I could just take a drive to the fun stuff, and hang out or fellowship with other black people.

    and as far as single life for the most part black men in Plano would approach me a lot faster than any other area

    I just wanna Thank You for sharing this information Doomed in Dallas...Honestly, I truly wanted to trade places with you considering where I've been, but if there is a High Masked presence of reality how could a person have peace in their life? What I thought to be a better opportunity. Is merely re-living the past with a fabricated mindset in a different environment.

    1. Wow, smh..Im not moving there now...thank yo

  50. Big Changes, sorry for your bad experiences. Thank you use much for sharing your story. By voicing the issues with housing in Dallas. It's been some time since your last post, so please update us with your story.

  51. Hi Nunya Bidness, Thanks for your concern, I will keep everyone posted

  52. I am late to submit a comment but here goes. I'm very disappointed in the black women I've encountered that are from the Dallas area. Reading this article dies not make me feel better abiut the social state in our black community.

    I'm from Washington, DC. My daughter attends school at Texas A&M and she grew up in Washington, DC. She has two black female roommates from Dallas. My daughter is biracial. The two sisters attend Blinn Community College. They have a fair complexion just like my daughter.They practically look alike. My daughter thought she had something in common with her roommates and really wanted to and tried over and over again to bond with the girls. They are all tall, beautiful, played volleyball (my daughter was on the vb team at A&M, they were not), same economic background, same temperament. My daughter is well spoken...opinionated, up to date on social and political issues. This is what I mean by they had some things in common, all are on equal footing. She invites them out to movies and events, dinner, invites them to parties, but they don't respond to my daughter's invite or they decline if they do respond or acknowledge her. They simply stay in their room and hang around each other. They rather stay in their room and do nothing. Truly sad.

    I even reached out to their Mom asked her if they wanted to rent or buy a house for the girls to live in during the next school year. No response from her. She said she would let me know, but I've heard nothing from her. Now I got a case of the uglies.

    Reading this article does tell me it's not my daughter. Really sad that black women today are treating other black women this way...young and old. Those girls are rude to my daughter. I don't blame them. I'm blaming their upbringing and especially their parents for their rude behavior.

    I told my daughter to just find camaraderie elsewhere. So she hangs out with the ither roommate whi is white. But she is nice. We were hoping to find solidarity and sisterhood within our own community. The issues mentioned in this article I'm sure extends beyond Dallas.

    Texas A&M is not an inclusive community. Races do not mingle. What do you do when people in your own race act indifferent, ignorant, and stuck up towards each other? Very disheartening.

    1. Clarify daughter and the two girls/sisters look alike.

    2. Sir you are one sick twisted religious nut that really needs help. If some white person posted some crap like you just did they'd be attacked for being aa racist and that's precisely what you are the same type of racist that would burn a cross and to tell the truth that's just what you did too!
      You are no different than they are and you should get some help for your sickness.
      If anyone's going to HELL it's you!

  53. I'll take boredom over nightly gun shots any day of the week.
    Look at Los Angeles and what the glorified lifestyle of shooting your own has done to Black Americans.

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